It all started at a young age with an interest in computers. When I was 10 our family received a computer for Christmas and I was hooked. After that I was using the computer all the time for various school projects and games. I would check out magazines from the library that would have code for games in them, then type in the code, excited to play the game when I finished. After I got the game working as the magizing instructed I would modify the code for the game to add extra challenges. This progressed when I was a teenager I would use books fron the library to learn various coding languages. After I finished High School I decided to pursue coding in college. After a few semesters of creating what I considered boring code, coding feel out of favor with me. It took a few years of working with other aspects of computers before I found myself working on hobby coding projects that would help make a task easier for me. This is when I learned that not all coding is fun, and that some of the boring stuff has to be done in order to get to the fun code.
Helped with design of a "Jump to Conclusions" mat. After initial design helped with testing the prototype and adjusting the usablitly after testing.